Women by Annie Leibovitz & Susan Sontag 一瓢飲按:這篇文章是…
分類: ●映像書齋
Susan Sontag,〈義大利攝影一百年〉
Susan Sontag, Where the Stress Falls 一瓢飲按:這篇評論是過世不久的美國評…
William Stott, “What Is Documentary?”
William Stott, Documentary Expression and Thirties Amer…
Rosalind Krauss, “A Note on Photography and the Simulacral”(Part II)
Carol Square(ed), The Critical Image: Essay on Contempo…
Rosalind Krauss, “A Note on Photography and the Simulacral” (Part I)
Carol Square(ed), The Critical Image: Essay on Contempo…