〡創作論述 文〡洪芳琪〡
沙特(Sartre, Jean-Paul)曾把「情境」這個詞語當作外在環境的意義,只是對象的另一個型態,認為空間是「在己存有」( en soi )及「為己存有」( pour soi )兩個差異的世界。[1]梅洛龐蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)論述過「空間」及「平面」,認為空間、平面是全體結構與所有場域構成的共同關係。強調空間的不可分割正如每個人的身體,卻有不同功能的肢體;例如,腳可以支撐身體移動,手可以拿東西。這些肢體獨立來看各有不同動作,然而就整個身體來說,這是由不同肢體所構成的完整身體結構。而空間、平面也是由全體結構與所有場域形構而成。[2]
胡塞爾( Edmund Husserl )《視域理論theory of horizon》提出,我們對世界的知覺、以及我們對物件或物體的知覺,這兩件事之中有著根本的差異性。我們對物件或物體的知覺,若是成為有實效的知覺,則必然是在世界視域(world-horizon)之內被知覺到的。每一物件都是屬於這世界裡的某個物件,由此我們才明白我們的知覺裡經常有此視域。[3]
視域可以成為作品表面與場域之間多種可能性的延伸,使各種不同的相對力量不斷作用著。而這交互作用下的時空能量,何謂域內? 域外? 是此次展覽,我需要去探索的議題。
Time and Space— the thoughts of images outside the exhibition area
233, my house number which is an address unable to change and never moved. The person in the work is my father who constructed our home as the age in the photo. In order to lead the fixed private space into the variable environment, I prefer the portrait of my father instead of the house of space where in the mechanism of photo shooting,
This work which was thought outside the box of the style of interior exhibition in the past that be determined what the work shows by environment and to observe the ways of the work displays as time goes. Ponder over the interior environment and expand the exhibition area to whole viewable space. Base on the style of creation, Taiwan is the first station.
Works belong to private space but parts of public when they are in moving environment cause of existential observers. In this public space, the time passed through the space by train made observers from different ways came across unexpectedly to show the situation of another open space unlimitedly and irregularly.
Space Consciousness
Jean-Paul Sartre regarded this word “situation” as the meaning of the external environment which is just another status of subjects. He also regarded that the space composed by two different parts “being-in-itself” and “being-for-itself”. Maurice Merleau-Ponty described the “space” and “plane” is the inter-relation of all structures and fields. He emphasized that space is undivided like our body with different functional parts. For example, feet sustain body’s movement and hands take stuff. To a complete body which is constructed by different parts but each part has their own action. Similarly, the space and plane are constructed by structures and fields.
Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl mentioned that in theory of horizon:There exists a fundamental difference between the way we are conscious of the world and the way we are conscious of the things or objects, though together the two make up an inseparable unity. Things, objects are given as being valid for us in each case but in principle only in such a way that we are conscious of them as things or objects within the world-horizon. Each one is something, “something of the world” of which we are constantly conscious as a horizon.
The margin of the work only shows the end of composition instead of space it shows.
Space can be the possibility of extension of the work and fields and also make the different force interact. “What is outside the field and what is inside the field about the interactive force?” It’s my topic to discuss in this exhibition.
[1] Sartre, Jean-Paul. L’Imaginaire. Paris:Gallimard,1940. p29-33.
[2] James Schmidt《梅洛龐蒂―現象學與結構主義之間》尚新建、杜麗燕譯。台北:桂冠1992.
[3]Edmund Husserl,The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology,
(Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970), p.143.
帶著作品與相機,臺灣本島由南往東過北朝西 ,以行動攝影展覽方式,直接與觀者做互動
預計經過 205 個地方,估計 1013 公里。
Day1 (0719日)高雄.鳳山.後庄.九曲堂.六塊厝.屏東.歸來.麟洛.西勢.竹田.潮州.崁頂.南州.鎖安.林邊.佳冬.東海.枋寮 |
Day2 (0720一)枋寮.加祿.內獅.枋山.紡野.古莊.大武.瀧溪.多良.金崙.太麻里.知本 |
Day3 (0721二)知本.康樂.台東.山里.鹿野.瑞源.瑞和.月美.關山.海端.池上 |
Day4 (0722三) 池上.富里.東竹.東里.安通.玉里.三民.瑞穗 |
Day5 (0723四)瑞穗.富源.大富.光復.萬榮.鳳林.南平.溪口.豐田.壽豐.平和.志學.吉安 |
Day6 (07/24五)吉安.花蓮.北埔.七星潭 |
Day7 (07/25六)北埔.景美.新城(太魯閣).崇德.和仁.和平.漢本.武塔.南澳 |
Day8 (07/26日) 南澳.東澳.永樂.蘇澳.蘇澳新站.新馬.冬山.羅東.中里.二結.宜蘭.四城.礁溪.頂埔.頭城(105km) |
Day9 (07/27一)頭城.龜山島.外澳.龜山.大溪.大里.石城.福隆.貢寮.雙溪.牡丹.三貂嶺.平溪(111km) |
Day10 (07/28二)平溪.侯硐.瑞芳.四腳亭.暖暖.基隆. 三坑.八堵.七堵.百福.五堵.汐止.汐科.南港.松山.台北(72km) |
Day11 (07/29三)台北市 |
Day12 (07/30四)台北.萬華.板橋.樹林.山佳.鶯歌.桃園.內壢.中壢 |
Day13 (07/31五)中壢.埔心.楊梅.富岡.湖口.新豐.竹北.竹東.內灣.新竹.香山.崎頂.竹南.談文.大山.後龍 |
Day14 08/01 六)後龍.龍港.白沙屯.新埔.通宵.苑裡.日南.大甲.台中港.清水.沙鹿.龍井.大肚.追分.成功.新烏日.烏日.大慶.台中 |
Day15 (08/02日)台中市 |
Day16 (08/03一)台中.太原.潭子.豐原.后里.泰安.三義.銅鑼.南勢.苗栗.豐富.造橋.彰化 |
Day17 (08/04)彰化.花壇.大村.員林.永靖.社頭.田中.二水.林內.石榴.斗六.斗南.石龜.大林.民雄.嘉北.嘉義 |
Day18 (08/05三)嘉義.水上.南靖.後壁.新營.柳營.林鳳營.隆田.拔林.善化.新市.永康.大橋.台南 |
Day19 (08/06四)台南市 |
Day20 (08/07五)台南.保安.中洲.大湖.路竹.岡山.橋頭.楠梓.新左營.左營.高雄 |