我尊敬底片,我相信這樣才能得到我四周自然力的尊敬。你會說,這是迷信。但是我相信,只要稍不留意,照片就會給我開個玩笑。放入相機的每一個膠捲,都有這個危險。相片就在那裏,誰都能得到,但它不屬於任何人。我尊敬它就像尊敬大海:因為它比我大得太多了。 I use film with the utmost respect. Because I believe in the forces of willing and will-power. You can only demand respect from the energies around us if you practice respect yourself. You might think that this is a lot of bullshit, but I do practice it. Photography will screw you every time it gets a chance to screw you, every time you put a roll into the camera. Photography is there for the taking, it’s all out there – but it does not belong to me. I have to respect it, because it’s so much bigger than I am, it’s like the sea.


I use film with the utmost respect. Because I believe in the forces of willing and will-power. You can only demand respect from the energies around us if you practice respect yourself. You might think that this is a lot of bullshit, but I do practice it. Photography will screw you every time it gets a chance to screw you, every time you put a roll into the camera. Photography is there for the taking, it’s all out there – but it does not belong to me. I have to respect it, because it’s so much bigger than I am, it’s like the sea.